Pediatric Therapy Services in Boulder, Colorado

Why Bolder Beginnings?


We LISTEN to the family's concerns.
We CREATE a plan for feeding success.
We EDUCATE and GUIDE the family in feeding development and strategies for success.
We EMPOWER families to continue to grow and succeed.

What sets us apart?

* We are a team that employs a multi-disciplinary approach in a child’s natural setting.
* We assess, diagnose and treat difficulties with feeding/eating.
* We look at the child with a holistic approach.
* We understand that there’s more to feeding than what goes into the mouth.
* We will assess a child’s oral motor, gross motor, fine motor, sensory-motor, and social-emotion abilities in addition to the environment in which the child thrives. 
* Everyone at Bolder Beginnings has experience working in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).
* We all have experience and varying levels of training in lactation.
* We team with and value relationships with local lactation consultants. 
* We believe in and educate on the value of breastfeeding and the benefits of breast milk while recognizing that in some situations, bottle and/or formula may be the most viable option.
* We value the family's goals.
* We respect that the family is a big part of the team and listen to their frustrations and desires.
* We believe that feeding best occurs in a child’s natural environment so we are solely a home-based practice.
* We remove barriers to successful feeding and offer tips/tricks for more efficient and harmonious feeds.
* We help facilitate the parent/baby bond through feeding by making it an enjoyable and stress free time.
* We empower and educate parent(s) to not feel any guilt or feelings of "failure" regarding feeding in any way.