Pediatric Therapy Services in Boulder, Colorado


The Basics

Nipple Confusion, no artificial nipples, breast is best, growth curve, weight gain, wet diapers, ad lib feeding…  Does all of this sound familiar? Does it sound stressful? Does it sound like the euphoric bliss you imagined in the first days of feeding your baby?

Probably not.

This is not how the first few days, weeks, or months should be, and we are here to help so that you can focus on the more important things. We not only understand what you and your baby are going through as moms, but we also have decades of training between us  — specializing in feeding and swallowing therapy, motor development, and sensory processing.

The Details

Here are some of the therapeutic services we provide.

* Feeding your baby without stress
* Dealing with latch issues (There are lots of tips and tricks to help you and your baby feed more comfortably and efficiently)
* Choosing the correct bottle/nipple for your baby
* Techniques and feeding schedules to facilitate weight gain
* When and how to transition to solid foods
* Managing a fussy/colicky baby
* Transitioning from the breast or bottle to cups and straws
* Pacifier: To use or not to use?
* Assessment of possible sensory integration challenges that impact development and feeding
* Oral sensory techniques for tolerating textured foods
* Oral motor exercises to improve muscle tone for chewing and swallowing
* Assessment of and collaboration with other professionals regarding tongue and lip tie

Meet the Team:


Speech Pathologist

Allison has experienced both professionally and personally the joys and struggles that come with learning the art of feeding babies and toddlers.

Learn more about Allison.


Occupational Therapist

Jeanne looks at the important foundations of child development, including sensory processing, primitive reflex integration, early childhood trauma, and motor coordination, and provide fun, effective, and developmentally appropriate intervention to maximize your child’s capabilities.

Learn more about Jeanne.


Speech Pathologist

My goal is your goal. I’m here to support you and your baby achieve whatever feeding plan that facilities bonding, growth, and development.

Learn more about Allison.

Ready to meet with us? Start with a free consultation.